Foster a sense of camaraderie among your staff or team and see how it improves workplace moral, and even productivity. Retreats are the perfect way to build unity and establish a rapport among employees while learning something new, working on a project, or enjoying an outing. Try taking an unconventional approach to your event, including the following ideas for your team’s retreat.
Cooking Class
A group cooking class is an excellent platform to engage your staff and identify strengths, while also inspiring a sense of solidarity between them.…
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When you see pictures of people posing over an African wildlife trophy, does it excite you? For some people, it is the adventure of a lifetime. The romanticism of a bygone era of when British people would “go on safari in the African wilderness” is something people still desire to experience. Now there is a customizable African safari you can take. Many African hunting ranches are offering African hunting trips that allow you to select animals, weapons, and length of trip, all crafted by you, for your own individual experience.…
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Anyone who enjoys outdoor or exercise activities has been through the experience of trying to find clothing that strikes the right balance between wicking, movement and comfort. One company that has devised a novel solution to the problem is Free Fly Clothing, a business that makes clothing from bamboo. If the idea sounds a little zany, take a moment to consider a few critical points.
The goal behind Free Fly lightweight clothing is to use a natural material, bamboo, to achieve results similar to products available from companies like Under Armor or Nike, such as stretch clothing that has high wicking capabilities.…
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