Saving Money On Recreation and Sports

Storing Your Motor Home This Winter? Here's How To Prevent Damage

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If you own a motor home, you want it to last as long as possible. Next to your home, your motor home is probably your biggest investment; in time and money. During the summer, you might end up spending more time in your motor home than you do in your real home. If you’re like most people, you close your motor home up for the winter. Unfortunately, if you’re not taking the proper precautions when closing your motor home up each winter, you might be exposing it to dangers that could destroy your investment.…

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Bored By The Beach? 3 Fun Summer Vacations With More Than Just Sand And Water

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If you’re getting ready to plan a summer vacation, but you are a bit bored by the idea of spending all of your time on the beach, then you should consider some other cool vacation ideas. You can still visit a nice destination with a beautiful beach to visit, but you can also find a destination that has something more to offer. So, whether you like fishing, hiking, or want something exhilarating such as zip lining, there are plenty of places to choose from.…

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Your Guide To Charter Fishing At Channel Islands

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If you have been thinking about visiting the Ventura or Santa Barbara area for charter fishing, there are so many options to consider. In addition to there being a variety of helpful companies to help you start charter fishing, there is also a lot you need to know about the process. This guide will help you prepare for your Channel Islands charter fishing trip. What To Bring on Deck There are a few things you absolutely must bring when you are fishing near the Channel Islands.…

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